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  • 'Hello, Sexy' Set
'Hello, Sexy' Set 'Hello, Sexy' Set

'Hello, Sexy' Set


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SUPERMUD™ Clearing Treatment (1.19 oz.): a scientifically advanced treatment that targets, prevents and heals problem skin while fighting common skin concerns, including breakouts, discoloration, black and white heads, razor bumps and in-grown hair. Apply a thin layer to clean skin and leave on for 5-20 minutes. Remove with water. Use as often as needed as a full mask or spot treatment.

SUPERCLEANSE™ Daily Clearing Cleanser (5 oz.): a mud-to-foam daily cleanser that combines the power of mud with the performance of foam, changing colors and transforming to dissolve oil and makeup, rinsing away pore-clogging debris, impurities and excess oil. Apply 1-2 pumps to your hands. Add water and create a foaming lather. Apply to your face and massage over skin. Rinse and continue adding water to increase the foaming lather. Do not use as a mask.


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